Shoshin - The Art of Beginner’s Mind
Colton Seale Colton Seale

Shoshin - The Art of Beginner’s Mind

I’ve started teaching undergraduate courses in the Criminal Justice program at New England College. While teaching the concept of drawing inferences from available facts and information, the students were coming up with inferences about the given situation that my expert mind rebelled against. I wanted them to come to the inferences my years of professional experience had already locked in, but they were seeing far greater possibilities.

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Learning through Failure
Colton Seale Colton Seale

Learning through Failure

Each year as the New Year begins, I reflect on what I accomplished last year, what I could have done better, and how I can be better this year. I imagine many of us do the same, making resolutions to learn more and to be better in some aspect of our lives. As I have been thinking about this, my thoughts keep returning to one book…

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Colton Seale Colton Seale


Not only am I proud of my parents’ great effort to recover the pool table, I’m also excited to begin practicing pool again and doing so using the deliberate practice methods Anders Ericsson has spent years researching, and which he explains fully in his outstanding book Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise. This type of deliberate, focused practice, with immediate and unambiguous feedback works great for things like pool, but how does it apply to the messier world of Intelligence Interviewing?

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Festina Lente
Colton Seale Colton Seale

Festina Lente

Festina lente, meaning “make haste slowly”, is an oxymoron with roots back to the Roman Empire, where Caesar Augustus used it to admonish his generals against rashness. In the 15th century, the philosopher Erasmus wrote extensively on the phrase as a means of reflection and controlling passions. I do not remember exactly where I first came across it; but I do remember being struck by how applicable it was to the crime scene work that was my primary responsibility at the time. And now how applicable it is to the world of interviewing.

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Colton Seale Colton Seale


I do not intend to make this blog just a recounting of what we cover in our courses and course books; rather, I want it to be an extension, to discuss and explore new ideas and research. One topic I do want to discuss at some length, and which is central to our methodology, is rapport. I want to talk about it because as prevalent as the concept of rapport is, when I see interviews go off the rails it is most often because of a misunderstanding of rapport and a failure to attend to rapport correctly.

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Colton Seale Colton Seale


I don’t profess to be smarter or wiser than you, it’s simply that I love sharing knowledge and I love working with other people to help them find the very best in themselves and to become the best at whatever they are pursuing. I have spent much of my career, amid the investigations and travels to far flung places, figuring out how to do this and look forward to sharing through Pyxis Academy what I’ve learned.

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